It's not just guys that have it done.
How would you feel about guys saying that your own sexual organs were ugly unless you'd had a clitorodectomy/dotomy Carn?
You might argue that it's not a good analogy, but I think it's the same deal whether male or female.
And face it, if smegma is what puts you off a foreskin, you'll probably have dumped their ass long before you saw it due to other hygiene issues such as regualr bathing, breath, foot odor due to non-washing, long nails, dandruff, etc.
Women can be just as nasty. Anything that encloses body parts in a covered, humid location is a recipe for bacteria and the resultant pong.
Women have long known about good hygiene practices and keep them with a lot more intricate and sensitive 'equipment'.
Are American men so lazy that it's necessary to cut it off in order for them to keep their dick clean? (Just kidding

It's my understanding that Christian America finds it 'required' amongst males due to the Early American churches teaching that they were the obvious inheritors of God's covenant with Abraham and thus outwardly kept the symbols given to him.
Teachings of America being the promised land of old or 'Zion' have been very prevalent amongst American christian groups. One can't ignore the obvious parallels of the many religious groups fleeing Catholic Europe to the promise of a new land with the ancient Isrealites being led from Egypt. Which would also explain many Americans sympathy for the Isreal of present.
There's also the puritanical side which would have discouraged masturbation.
Europe seems to have abstained from this culturally for many reasons. The discouraging of personal hygiene practices in the dark ages and the obvious link to Jewry who have long been despised in most of Europe.