Originally Posted by ratbastid
One great example of this is the nation of Israel. Israelis live with constant security checkpoints, ID examination, metal detectors at every public building... And they're still getting blown up left and right. Literally not two weeks go by without something in Jerusalem getting bombed. We don't even hear about it in the US anymore unless some exceptionally large number of people get blown up. So what have they gotten? All these intrusions into their lives haven't bought them any real safety, and it has cost them the freedom to move around unmolested and unexamined.
Awful example. Take a look at Israels border sometime. The surprising thing is that in the one true democracy in the mideast (I'm still holding out on Iraq) that is openly hated by ALL of its neighbors, they don't have more of these attacks. You will also note that in the era of bombs on planes and hijacking it wasn't Israeli planes held at gun point or blown out of the sky as they have always had better than post 9/11 security.