I don't have a book recommendation; there are a zillion websites that can give you basic and advanced information, including detailed descriptions of exercises and even workout plans. But it's like buying a car or computer -- if you don't really know what's realistic for you, or have certain basic concepts, too much information is just going to confuse you.
I would go to the bookstore and spend at least half an hour browsing what's there. You're looking for a beginner's book -- something that emphasizes fitness and working out with limited equipment over achieving massive brawn. Books that talk about "fitness for busy people," or weight training for businessmen," and such. These are great starter books; they'll introduce you to basic exercises and basic concepts, and they won't confuse you. They're good to start with for the first few months, especially for somebody who's coming from a severely out-of-shape place. The key is to get rid of them when they become too easy and move on to something a little harder.
As for working out in the gym -- well first, you need to know what to do, so if you're a total newbie, you'd need a gym that would give you at least some help to start. As for the embarassment factor: well, there _are_ gyms that are total meat markets, where everyone's wearing spandex and staring at themselves in the mirror. But there are also gyms where people of different sizes, shapes, and ages work out and nobody does too much preening. And those are very welcoming.
You may be telling yourself, "They'll look at me in the gym and think I don't belong." And that's not true. At a good gym, you get your credibility from _showing up and working hard._ If you do that and don't spend too much time lazing around and yakking, everybody real will know that you are On The Path, and respect you for it.
And by the way, most gyms have a number of big-muscled types who laze around and yakk out on the floor when everybody else is trying to work. And they are _not_ especially respected or well-liked by those who are serious.
Last edited by Rodney; 02-21-2006 at 10:35 AM..