Originally Posted by Carn
Originally Posted by Hunnychile
A circumsized cock is, by far the best looking cock. If a lady has to peel the skin back to fiind it....yuck! I have only seem a clothed cock once and it was one that wasn't pretty enough for me to want to suck down on and lick and admire. If men want to look good they better tailor it for the audience that they wish to impress...
Guess that I'm just an all American gal!
Guys should get circumsized if they want to impress you? You sure think highly of yourself, don't you?

If you had grown up and all of the cocks you've seen and sucked were uncircumsized, i'd put down money that you would think the exact opposite of a circumsized dick.
You'd probably say something like "the skin on it was all tight and it was too ugly for me to get down and lick and admire it etc"
your predjudice makes you sound very ugly indeed. I agree with Carn.
If I had a choice in the matter, I would have definetly remained uncircumsized.