Originally Posted by 1010011010
Being farmers, they don't have a lot of free cash laying around to buy the capital required.Buy his way into the industry.
There are three other companies that already do what he does, so obviously someone has the money.
Why don't you understand that this industry is already controlled, but not by a monopoly (unless you consider the government a monopoly), and it is regulated for a very good set of reasons.
Well, it is controlled by a group of companies who keep the prices inflated. You're scared that Hettinga will raise the prices once he is a monopoly. Well, they are already high, and he already has competitors who do what he does, so he obviously won't be a monopoly.
No, his milk just doesn't include the various fees and dues you find included in the prices of other milk produced in volumes that exploit economies of scale.
And? It's still cheaper.
He avoids these fees and dues by exploiting loopholes put in place to protect small local operators from being burdened by these fees. Now that he's a big, producer, though, he doesn't deserve the artifical protection of not having to pay to particiapte.
Why doesn't he deserve them?
It's only better because it exploits regulatory loopholes. Modify the loophole so it can't be exploited in this way and his milk suddenly costs just as much as everyone elses.
Or maybe deregulate the industry and everyone's milk is just as cheap as his.