Originally Posted by cyrnel
That's competition. If he can do it, others could too, if they weren't worried about being the other odd-man-out. Instead we're layering restrictions to protect the subsidy system. This whole thing is about protecting the good-old-boy subsidy system against a more efficient but unmanaged and possibly less stable free market. Make no mistake, we are paying for it in the form of higher prices, hopefully in exchange for something useful.
What more properly serves the purpose of the government? To ensure a free-market exists for all products with no accountability to market stability... or to ensure that the people have a relatively assured supply of food at steady, predictable prices?
"I'm hungry, mommy. Why don't we have anything to eat?"
"Market instability, honey, go back to bed. Save your energy."
Also, it's not like this guy started with a couple of cows on his family Farm in Iowa and has grown into the vertically integrated dairy powerhouse he is today by Good Ol' American Go-Get-It-iveness. This guy made a bunch of money elsewhere, saw a way to avoid a bunch of artificially imposed fees and restrictions in the dairy industry, and bought his way into the field exploiting the previously identified loophole to undercut competition while still making a profit. So they're closing the loophole he's exploiting so he, like any other large milk producer, has to pay his dues for quality control inspections and health agency oversight.