I find that a little creatine before a workout, not the massive amounts reccommended, help make it a little easier to do the same amount of weight for successive reps. That way you get more workout in your workout. The little amount of creatine doesn't retain that much water so you don't gain the *instant size* that some creatine users like.
If you want something to dialate your blood vessels, CONSULT YOUR DOC, and ask if taking 150mg of asprin, usually half a regular strength tablet, before your workout would be safe for you. DO NOT do this if you have any problems with heart or blood pressure, which is why I say again, BEFORE asprin CALL DOC.
Lastly, if you want your body to gain weight and lose body fat, use this simple formula.
"Exert muscles with more weight than they are used to + drink lots of water 64 ounces or so per day + eat more calories than you burn."
"If you want your body to lose weight and lose body fat"
Tone muscles through daily use ( walking, jumpjacks, etc ) + drink lots of water 64 ounces or so per day + eat less calories than you burn.
If you want your body to gain weight and gain body fat
Buy 7 cases of your favorite soda pop ( 1 per day of week ) + eat anything you want making sure that calories in is higher than calories out + turn on tv + tune out rest of world *Disclaimer...DO NOT DO THIS....included only out of sense of humour and completeness
Problem Lies Between Seat and Keyboard.