I'm sure someone will start a separate thread about this shortly, but I just wanted to weigh in with my $0.02 about the Canadian Womens Hockey Team winning GOLD for the second Olympics in a row, thereby further asserting the dominance of Canadians on the international hockey scene...
What was that sound??? A collective "ho-hum" from the rest of the world??? More alarmingly, from the rest of Canada???
It seems to me, and I could be wrong here, that we're more focussed and preoccupied with the Canadian Men's hockey struggles than we are on the Canadian Women, who kicked butt and took names... Is that in part because we just expected the women to win? Is it because we believe that womens hockey really is only a one country sport, whereas mens hockey is more international???
Well, I for one am celebrating the Canadian Womens Hockey team. Congratulations team. Congratulations Canada, the premier nation of HOCKEY....
...that is, unless the men lose...
I have faith in a few things - divinity and grace
But even when I'm on my knees I know the devil preys