Originally Posted by Meridae'n
I must admit that have been all for RU486 until reading these posts and having a bit more of a think about it. Spindles makes a good point that perhaps it may not be wise to make abortion such an easy proceedure for fear of making it a relatively simple decision for pregnant women. I'll take this opportunity to state that I am all for abortion and believe that the child's life starts at the moment of birth, therefore my only problem with the drug is it's effect on the level of responsibility a subject must endure throughout the process.
A few years ago, a magazine here in the United States published a first-hand account of a woman who was given mifepristone (our name for RU486) for her abortion procedure. It was VERY hard to read. Basically, when a woman takes RU486, she induces a spontaneous abortion (though inhibition of progesterone production). This is VERY painful physically, and it isn't something that's instantaneous. It may take a couple days to expel the contents of the uterus. Bleeding and spotting may continue for up to THIRTY days after the bleeding begins.
It's not as easy as everyone seems to think. It is supposed to be easier emotionally, though, because a woman is allowed to do her grieving at home. However, choosing to end a pregnancy is never easy, regardless of the method, and anyone who would choose to use abortion as a birth control method has other issues entirely.