Ok i'm having a little trouble with nested if/else statements, I get an error saying 'else' without 'if' at line 71, here is my code. It has to be in a similar format that I have to get full credit.
package lab3;
* <p>Title: Lab 3 Assignment</p>
* <p>Description: Hourly Wage Calculator</p>
* <p>Copyright: Copyright (c) 2006</p>
* <p>Company: UW-RF</p>
* @author Eric Merker
* @version 1.0
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.*;
public class Lab3 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Lab3 lab3 = new Lab3();
final double standardhours = 40;
final double taxrate =.10;
final double hourlywage = 8.00;
double overtimerate;
overtimerate = hourlywage * 1.5;
String employeeName;
double hoursworked;
String hoursworkedst;
double totalsales;
String totalsalesst;
double overtimehours;
double overtimepay;
double comission;
double paywithcomission;
double salestax;
double taxesowed;
double nonOtpay;
double totalpay; //total pay before taxes
double takehomepay;
DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
employeeName=JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null, "What is the Employee's Name?" );
hoursworkedst=JOptionPane.showInputDialog (null, "How many hours has the employee worked?" );
totalsalesst=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "What is the total sales?");
//if statements to figure out OT pay and all that fun shiat
if (hoursworked > standardhours);
overtimehours = hoursworked - standardhours; //figures out how much overtime hours where worked
overtimepay = overtimerate * overtimehours; //calculates overtime pay using overtime hours and the hourly
//overtime rate
nonOtpay = standardhours * hourlywage; //figures out the standard non overtime pay
totalpay = nonOtpay + overtimepay; //adds Overtimepay with the non Overtime Pay to calculate a total pay without
//comission or taxes deducted
//if statement to figure out how much comission is owed from sales
if (totalsales < 100 && totalsales > 1.00);
comission = totalsales * .05;
(totalsales >= 100 && totalsales < 300);
totalsales * .10 = comission;
(totalsales >=300)
comission = totalsales * .15;
//math to figure out taxes owed and the total with comission and the with taxes deducted
paywithcomission = totalpay + comission; //adds the comission pay plus the standard OT/nonOTpay
taxesowed = paywithcomission * taxrate; // takes the total pay and multiplys it by the taxrate to
//figure out how much taxes need to be deducted
takehomepay = paywithcomission - taxesowed; // subtracts the taxes owed from the totalpay to figure out
// the take home pay
//decimal format class to make the all money values to output to the hundreth place
System.out.println(" Welcome to MyJava Burgers ");
System.out.println("Employee Name:" +employeeName);
System.out.println("Number of Hours worked:" +hoursworkedst);
System.out.println("Sales Volume:" +totalsales);
System.out.println("Total of Regular Pay:" +df.format(nonoTpay));
System.out.println("Overtime Pay:" +df.format(overtimepay));
System.out.println("Commission: " +df.format(commission));
System.out.println("Taxes:" +df.format(taxesowed));
System.out.println("Take Home Pay:" +df.format(totalhomepay));
}//end of main method
}//end of Lab3 class
This is the main if/else statement i'm having the trouble with
//if statement to figure out how much comission is owed from sales
if (totalsales < 100 && totalsales > 1.00);
comission = totalsales * .05;
(totalsales >= 100 && totalsales < 300);
totalsales * .10 = comission;
(totalsales >=300)
comission = totalsales * .15;