i'm in a public library....and there are children fucking screaming. It's not yet 11am and there are children who should be in fucking school walking around the damn library. who in the hell gave these kids permission to speak or be here?! ITS A LIBRARY! I'm trying to slack off and get a bit of reasearch done and kids are fucking yelling. when i was a kid if i even talked in a library it was a beating for me. i think i breated to loud. beating. NO WONDER THE DAMN KIDS ARE SO LOUD! the parents are pussys. BEAT your fucking children or i'll do it for you. damn kids these days not being beaten. I blame this as the source for bad television, pop music and rap. fucking kids.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim