my friends are taking me to a level 3 yoga class. i had never been to yoga before. sure i had done some stretches here and there but never with the master.
as we are getting out of the car janine states, fuck i have gas. i give a little smirk and think, thank god its not me.
as my leg is reaching over my shoulder i let out a roping fart. my face turns pink as my pussy and my friends start laughing hysterically.
This happens 2 more times!! The teacher, master, whatever. says, dont worry let it all out!
As i glance down the row of people the cutest guy is just looking at me dumbfounded.
I should have got his number. we could have had farting contests.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim