It's not my moment, but my friend Fatty's.
Apparently this guy was working hard at McDonald's (workin' hard, hardly workin'... whatever) Anyway, the urge for a bowel movement overpowered my buddy and he shat himself. Standing next to the line, he shook his leg and let fall a butt nugget, down his pants and onto the floor at which point he kicked the nugget under the cold table.
This isn't the best part of this story.
Whenever my friend tells this story, he laughs uncontrollably. Now when my friend Fatty gets laughing his face turns red. If he happens to see his own big fat belly jiggling like a bowl full of jelly, it makes him laugh harder. So whenever we want to see a fat man in hysterics, we ask Fatty to tell the McDonald's story.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim