last night got hammered at a local bar. i left through the backdoor without paying and set off the alarm. when i got to my car, my keyring was empty, meaning my keys had fallen off somewhere in the parking lot. i grabbed the hide-a-key from under the back bumper and drove home badly. i then slept in the backseat until daylight. i woke up and drove back to the bar parking lot to find my keys. i found my car key first, which i now had two of, counting the hide-a-key. i need the goddamn house key! continue hunting for it. take a big, open to the public, daylight piss in the parking lot. found the house keys, drove home, called in sick to work and went to sleep. i'll be getting a copy of my house key made today, and it will be stored in the car.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim