In middle school I remember going to the gym for the DARE program and seeing a slide show on std's. I guess it was their way of intimidating out pre-pubescent bodies into mental and physical celibacy.
One slide stands out in my memory clearly: A picture of a man's nutsack covered in massive yellow boils, or genital warts. The instructor called him "William."
My friend, the same one I buried the porn with later in high school, and I found it so funny we couldn't stop laughing for the rest of the presentation. Why? We thought calling "William"-"Barnicle Bill" instead was the best joke ever conceived.
No one looked at us quite the same after that but I can tell you, good ol Barnicle Bill can still make me pee my pants laughing. Thanks Bill, wherever you are, you bring humor to my life and remind how lucky it is to get laid.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim