While at a friend's house, I went into the spare room (which is also the friend's sometime-roommate's room) and rummaged through her drawers, looking for a hand mirror, which I needed to use to look at the back of a TV I couldn't turn around.
While going through the drawers, I found two different spoons that were quite obviously used to cook something -- heroin, I guess. There was leftover crap in the bowl of each spoon, and the bottom was all ashed up.
This girl is a really nice, sweet, friendly girl. She's usually stoned, but on pot. It kind of freaked me out to imagine her on smack. I'd like to think that they belong to a friend of hers (who I know enjoys blow and whatnot), but I just don't know.
Say what you like about pot... at least you don't use a spoon.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim