Do you know how much fun it is to fuck with people?
I work in a Computer Laboratory on campus. Tonight I signed into one of the PCs at the beginning of my shift. Seems some idiot (Hello AJ31185!) left their AIM account signed in, which always serves to piss me off.
The first person to message me was named "Vyndictive". Eventually, Vyndictive asks me whether or not I want "this job" (not mine, the guy whom he thought I was) and I tell him, "fuck no." Then he says, "you're fired" and I tell him, "Well, that's vindictive." (I wonder if he got it). He logs off.
Partway through the above conversation, someone else on the list messages me, Cohen or something like that. I start off by telling him I'm fucking with someone's account that left them self signed in, unintentionally. He thought that was hilarious, until he realized that I wasn't his buddy, and that his buddy was currently unaware of my hijinks involving his account. Then the hypocrite has a nerve to tell me that I should "buy a bullet and rent a gun" over an insignificant AIM account. The next 3 lines I reply to him, he responds with "gay" -- sans capitalization or punctuation. I ask, "You've a fine grasp of the English language, don't you?" His response? "yup"
As I'm about to sign off, the person whose account I'm on, logs in. So in that window that pops up to log yourself off from a remote location, I type "1" and hit enter. I managed to log off the owner 3 or 4 times before he or she gave up. While that's going on, this window pops up with a greeting from someone with yellow text on a bright pink background, so you know it's a girl. I answer, "sup slut", then with "whatever bitch, I'm out", and I logged off.
The lowbrow moment? It was so much fun, I logged onto the other 24 computers in the lab to find someone else who hadn't signed out just to fuck with them.
"Asking a bomb squad if an old bomb is still "real" is not the best thing to do if you want to save it." - denim