I agree with Gatorade. I mean, it's not like fuel, this is milk. People can live and do business and make money without milk. A monopoly of dairy that decides to hike prices will only result in their own loss of business. I don't see this as being an issue at all. I think government subsidies of farming were great during the depression. Hint: That was a long time ago and most people have far more money now. The consumer is being ripped off so that a company can make excess money. Hey, it's just like the oil industry. Also, if everyone is covered by a government blanket, having multiple companies does NOT mean there isn't a monopoly. The monopoly is the group, not the individual. If all companies make the same and charge the same amount (roughly), and HAVE to charge and make the same amount, is that really competition and free market?
It's just a goverment allocated monopoly. *shrug*