Ok, so the guy found a way to make his milk more efficiently, and people don't like it? Too bad. It's called business. If I can do the same thing better than you, then my business should do better than yours.
That's competition. If he can do it, others could too, if they weren't worried about being the other odd-man-out. Instead we're layering restrictions to protect the subsidy system. This whole thing is about protecting the good-old-boy subsidy system against a more efficient but unmanaged and possibly less stable free market. Make no mistake, we are paying for it in the form of higher prices, hopefully in exchange for something useful.
Do you all REALLY want a monopoly on food production? Say once they control the majority of it, they can THEN decide to hike up prices.
Or maybe decide to stop selling to a certain state because they didnt vote their way.
Or maybe make deals with certain companies that they'd only sell to them, spreading their control over any restaurant/food market.
Personally I'll pay the subsidies to protect Ma' and Pop's farm to protect against this.