I have to disagree with you on your thoughts Ustwo. Your first premise that the only solution is a pile of bodies is a self fuffilling prophecy. If we resign to war as an only solution then war is the only solution but if we keep hope for other means then there is always still a chance that better resolutions will occur.
You are right about teaching the childern though but the way to combat that is not to kill them. Doing that would just inflame the next generation and so on. Violence will ONLY spawn more violence, if you don't believe me then look at the fertal cresent. It has been in war for thousands of years, a war that continues because people keep using violence. I believe if you want to stop the violence then we need to target the nation with non-violent solutions. For instance, work with the leaders to change the school systems and create moderate muslims. Work with the countries and help them so that the people can see you are not their enemy. (help is not taking their oil).
Answer me this Ustwo, if Martin Luther King had avocated all out war on white people would black people have ever gained their rights? People do not respond well to being attacked, people get defensive, patriotic, and will defend themselfs and those near them blindly even if they are wrong to do so. Unfortunatly patriotism is a double edged sword. One edge is great for rallying against an enemy but the other edge creates blinding hatred amoung us and them. This is precisly what many liberals hate about the patriotism pushing that the admin did. They played peoples emotions in order to gain blinding support.
Now why has Western Europe embraced Palestine? First I don't believe they have. Paleistine is still fighting tooth and nail for every right they have. They still are not recognized as a soverign nation. It doesn't seem like they have much support from anyone outside of the muslim world than me. Isreal on the other hand has massive support from the rest of the world. Much of this support is due to the painting of all Palistinians as terrorists other parts of it comes because of Isreals close ties with many world leaders. Ustwo you need to look at the situation in context, Isreal has all the power and Palistine has none. Palistine feels greatly oppressed but has no "legal" methods of defending it's rights. This is why people like Hammas are formed, this is why they get so much support. Never forget that our founding fathers were Terrorists. Our founding fathers broke every rule of war for the time. They targeted officers, not soldiers. They didn't wear uniforms, they hid and ambushed armies. Why did our founding fathers resort to such means? Because they had no power in the current rules of war. The rules favored the British and if they were to follow them they would have lost. So they changed the rules anyway they could to gain an edge because they were desperate for freedom.