Originally Posted by mandy
can we prove we truly exist?
pinch yourself...if it hurts, you are here! if it doesnt then your just a figment of your own imagination...but wait, to have an imagination is to be alive, is to be...
to do whatever is is that you do, is to be...
to actually think up a question like " can we prove we truly exist?"...is that not proof enough that you have a brain, you have a mind, you have a body...
to think up a question like that and to actually put it out for the world to see constitutes bravery cos not many people would do that for fear of critism...
eveything that you did while typing out that question shows your character and everything you do shows what kind of person you are and all those attributes can only lead to one conclusion...
pinch yourself...
Hehe. OK, prove that all that stuff you did, YOU did. In other words, prove that you're not just some computer simulation running on someone's desk somewhere