Originally Posted by dtheriault
I'm getting rid of my teflon and I want something lighter than cast-iron.
No you don't. You want something that would knock Andre the Giant out if you hit him with it. Good throw that teflon shit in the trash. The reason you want heavy is because the more mass there is, the more heat it holds. Also the light little pan you just bought may end up in the trash 3 months from now if you use it often and the wear and tear gets to it. I have some hard anodized pans and theyre freakin amazing. They sear well and they dont stick. I also have some stainless steal All Clad pans... but you know, thats cuz Im a chef.
Le Creuset is initially expensive. Its why I dont have anything Le Creuset. I have bought a few pans for my Mom(she has many) but I will someday.
If theres anything I can stress to people... lightweight pans are pieces of CRAP. They're not worth the $5 you pay for them. I dont care if you dont feel like lugging out the 3 ton pan to cook with when youre making fancy schmancy food.. you dont want fancy schmancy food that bad.