Originally Posted by Fremen
I don't know what it is around here, but tapwater tastes good in my home, but a half-mile down the road at a friend's house (using the same water company) it tastes hmmmm....mineral-y I guess you would say. Not good at all.
My guess...mineral deposits in your friends pipes. Especially if it's an older home. It
may, for that matter, even have lead pipes. That part is doubtfull though. Still...possible.
Originally Posted by Sage
I grew up drinking water straight out of a mountain spring...
Me too.

In fact, just a few years ago my parents were visited by a water purification system salesman. He brought out his test equipment, and tested the water straight out of the tap. Not once. Not twice. But three times. Finally, he put his equipment away, and told my parents..."I'm sorry, there's nothing that I can do for you.". Turns out that their water supply, straight out of the spring, and only particle filtered, is 99.9% pure.

I tried to get dad to invest in some plastic bottles, and some fancy labels. Hell, he's retired...he can stand at the kitchen sink filling bottles all day long.