although i find kosya to be quite intelligent, he has made sense. however, i do find him to be set in his ways and thoughts. but i must admit, i envy his writing style.
Well, I suppose you will only have to take my word for it that my ways have changed significantly in the past due to many a lost argument, and that they are anything but set. Let us not however, get into that particular area, as we clearly have too much on our plates as it is.
did however promise to write back, but lately the last few weeks i have been working 7 days straight trying to finish this factory im building..actually i havent had a day off in a month, so im pretty busy and pretty burnt out. so my apologies for not writing. i will endeavour to write something this week.
No biggie, I understood you to be a busy fellow, and I in no way think you are obligated to reply, nor that your silence implies a want of argument on your part. I for one have been enjoying our discussion however, so if you wish to continue I am very pleased.
meri....'quite obvious superior intellect'... lol you make me sound so.... whats the word.. DUMB! hehe
Meri's words, certainly not mine.