Originally Posted by soma
Ok, this has been bugging me for a while. Whenever I'm with two people I know, and they don't know each other, I introduce them IMMEDIATELY. This makes things less awkward, and I would hope the two people appreciate my doing this. But it seems, whenever I'm with one person I know, and another person I don't know, but the person I'm with does know (that sounded waaay more complicated than it really is) I never get introductions. I don't know why... And then I feel too awkward to introduce myself. What generally is the way this should go? If I'm not introduced to someone, should I take this as a cue to back off, or to go over there and say hi. Is it hard for people to introduce other people? Is that why people don't do it sometimes? Also, how would this change when there is one new person, and a group of people?
I've stopped waiting for other people to give me what I want...I just go and introduce myself, with an outstretched hand and a smile. Why wait? Why let someone else dictate whether I get to make a good first impression?
Sometimes people are just not socially adept enough to make introductions properly. They don't know to do it, or don't know how. So show them.
I'm so glad things are working out for you, I *really* am! You are taking responsibility for your own happiness.
*heart swells*