Elph, you have your chance to give back what was she so freely gave to you. She is now going through what is the most difficult time of her life, and she needs to be able to lean on her friends.
She knows what you were going through during those times, and I don't think a simple "thank you for being friend when I needed you" is out of line in this situation. Definitely spend some time with her, be there, let her know she is loved, then laugh, cry, do whatever comes naturally. Let her set the tone, you'll know what she needs from you, just as she knew what you needed from her.
Be prepared for just how fucking cruel life can be, good people often get the short end of the stick, you will likely be very confused, and very angry when you leave. Deal with this, kick, scream, beat up a trash can, do whatever it is you need to do, and then know that she will always be with you.