Originally Posted by cybermike
People will go out of their way to benifit themselves, but getting someone to make even the smallest effort to help someone else damn near impossible. Those that agree but not strongly enough to go out of their way to get a sticker are preventing up to 8 people from receiving organs. Because they were lazy they killed 8 people, If this law were to pass, a person would save up to 8 lives by not giving a shit.
Out of curiosity how are you killing those people? They were dead anyway, its more the other way round that if you are willing to donate you can save them from the death penalty, however your actions and inactions don't change the fact that they were dead without your intervention so you not intervening should not be classed as killing them, more like letting nature take its course.
If there's no documentation about your wishes, your family is the one that is going to decide whether of not to donate your organs. You can explain your wishes to them and hope they remember if the time comes, and hope they obey your wishes, or you can answer a simple yes or no question when you get your license.
But at least my wishes are being decided by a group of people who know me and the base option is not doing the whole mutilation thing.
Basically all that NOT signing the back of your license does is puts the burden of making the choice on your family. It groups you with all the people that don't give a shit so the hospital is going to assume you're lazy and ask your family. Unless you've gone out of your way to make your wishes clear to your family, it's very possible they will make a choice you do not agree with. It gives the people that do not want to donate a very clear posistion while catering to 'those that agree but strongly enough.'
And, I have a 'sticker.' or the equivalent of one anyways.
I would have to read the whole bill before I could truely agree or disagree with it though.
Yes but the hospital has to ask to take anything, while the family can prevent it fairly easily (no). With this system the default is yes, think about license agreements, you can't normally enter into a contract without reading it first and agreeing, the defualt is no.