Had a married couple friend like that. Basically, the guy couldn't deal with being serious about anything-facing issues head on. So when something bothered him, he'd be the clown. Even putting his face through a windshield in an accident 'gave me my permanent smile', in reference to the scar that now runs up his face. His jokes about his wife were just cruel and unrelenting.
It is a form of disrespect, really as he is shrugging off what you feel is a real issue and continuing to do it. And as a form of disrespect, once pointed out as such and continued anyway, it becomes a form of control-domino effect.
Making you laugh it off is control. If he were beating you and NOT joking after, he'd excuse that in some way, right? Wrongful treatment is wrongful, joking or otherwise afterwards.
Just comes down to the questions: how much are you willing to put up with and are you better off with or without him?
Don't blame me. I didn't vote for either of'em.