Originally Posted by cybermike
I think those that do not want thier organs to be donated are more outspoken and therefore more likely to sign a paper to opt out of donating, whereas a person that would like to be a donor may not care enough to opt-in to a donor program. This is why I believe that donating organs by default is the best thing. I wouldn't say it's targeting the lazy, It's more like it's catering to the lazy.
Something I'd also add to the bill is that if you opt out of giving organs, you also opt out of receiving them.
Edit: alansmithee, If there is no one to inherit your property when you die the state confiscates all of your property. If you don't want to donate that's fine, get a sticker.
But why should you need a sticker to opt out? What about those people who disagree but not strongly enough to go get a sticker? What if they "lose" your sticker?
A system that automatically makes you open to use is going to be abusable more so that one which requires you to opt in and carry your card such that anyone without a card cannot be harvested.
Also opting out of recieving organs is hard, can you if comatose say no I don't want them? Or again if you have lost your card and get forced into taking an organ (forced organ implantation... odd concept).
The state doesn't by default take your property though, by default it goes to your next of kin does it not? (If not then I need a will and fast, my manga collection is not going to the government!). There are also ways to keep your property belonging to you despite being "dead", a lot of the cryonauts are keeping or at least trying to their estates intact for when they are revived.