Originally Posted by Locke7
Mysterious dark guy is coming back and from the previews for the next episode it looks like he might be negotiating a deal to help CTU. We'll see...
Still waiting to see Kim... And to know what happened to Chase (from a couple seasons ago)
I think from the early episodes of season 4, it's mentioned that Chase and Kim are living together, somewhere in So. California, and that Chase works for some sort of private security company. Whether or not that's with one hand or two, I don't know.
Kim coming back to this season would be pretty interesting, though I can't tell if it'll help or hurt the plotline. Somehow Kim's gonna be in danger from the terrorists.
Regarding a question earlier from this thread ... has there been any resolution as to who conspired to frame Jack for Palmer's assassination? I'm not entirely convinced that this was the dirty work of Walt Cumming. Any thoughts?