Originally Posted by Sultana
I dunno, it sounds like the TA's main problem is showing up, not what she does with her time once she's there, yes?
If that's correct, can you get an automatic time-date stamp thing that she has to use to prove her attendance?
I dunno, her attendance schedule *has* to be written down somewhere already.
She's supposed to be at the one lit class for every class session because it has almost 100 students in it, and is supposed to do whatever miscellaneous instructional tasks I assign to her.
The class schedule is 9:00-9:50 am, MWF. Not difficult to keep track of.
Gilda, how would you feel about telling her that if she misses X more classes, she's out? Then it's completely up to her. Think of it this way: She's taking a prized position and abusing it, when there are very likely several other students out there who would greatly benefit from a position like this, and would actually make your life easier (actually earning the benefits they are getting).
If nothing is *done* about it, her sub-standard behaviour is being enabled, tolerated, and encouraged...
I'm going to start giving her written directions, and documenting when she fails to complete her work, if she continues to do that. I don't know if I'm allowed to make an ultimatum like that. I'm going to ask Dr. KGB tomorrow.