Originally Posted by Memnoch
Way to criticize.
"Modeled after" and "is a" are different statements, chum. 
Except that modeling a transmission after a 4 wheel drive system is completely inaccurate regardless of which phrase used.
So, he's not criticizing, he's educating. You said your transmission was modeled after a four wheel drive system. That's completely apples/oranges. It's not possible to model a transmission after a drivetrain system composed of axels and differentials, etc. They serve completely different functions. You might be able to say your car's transmission was modeled after the same trans used in the 4matic system on a specific model Benz.
But what does that mean? They both use the same transmission fluid? They both have torque converters? Similar stall speeds on the converters? Lock up converters? Number of gears? Electronically conrolled? What would "modeled after" mean? Other than trying to brag on your transmission by associating Benz quality to it, I'm not seeing that you've investigated how an automatic works, and what components, if any, are modeled after a Benz's, and why that's a good thing.
It's obvious you're proud of a nice car, and that's a good thing. It's great you're into your car, and looking to really get involved with it. If you want to learn more, you're certainly in the right place. There are some very knowledgable people in here, and they've proven time and time again they'll sleflessly share all they know with a fellow enthusiast.
That means you've got to be open when someone says "whao buddy, you're talking out your ass."
As to adding a turbo or supercharger: only if someone out there has already designed a kit for your car. It's not somthing you cobble together out of parts and see if it fits.
Chips? hah, not really. They advance ignition timing a bit, and play with the fuel maps. More a waste of money than a gainer of hp.
Best suggestion I can make? A baby NOS kit. A 50hp fogger kit would be fairly simple for you to install. It'd be easy to deinstall when you're done with the car, and go to sell. I'm sure the drivetrain can handle 50 more hp without going "kablooie" but I wouln't put it on my car withouth finding a car forum somwhere with guys who've modded your exact car, and found out what the deal is.