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Old 02-16-2006, 08:06 AM   #44 (permalink)
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Location: Seattle, WA
I do not consider Dave to be irrisposible [sic], nor do i think he has had a negative impact. Quite the opposite, in fact. He is not perpetuating stereo-types as much as he is demanding they be re-examined.
This is the crux of the argument. There are people who believe that by joking about (usually through the use of) racist or ridiculous jokes/language, you perpetuate that language or behaviors. This argument allows people to deride Chapelle, Eminem, et al.. for being racist/sexist/etc.

However, I personally believe that closer examination reveals that their very USE of the language and slang in a silly or humorous manner lessens their use in a negative manner. I call this satire;

Satire is a mode of challenging accepted notions by making them seem ridiculous. It usually occurs only in an age of crisis, when there exists no absolute uniformity but rather two sets of beliefs. Of the two sets of beliefs, one holds sufficient power to suppress open attacks on the established order, but not enough to suppress a veiled attack.
If Chapelle or Eminem stood on a soapbox and told us how ridiculous race-differences were and how we shouldn't beat and mock women, no one would listen. It's a sad part of humanity, but everyone would dismiss it as common knowledge without truly thinking about whether they upheld the principle. However, by offering it in satire, it's ridiculousness is unveiled -- without directly attacking it. While I'm not very familiar with Chappelle, I can offer many citations from Eminem's lyrics which were labelled "racist/sexist/bigoted" by politically correct persons (as above) which were quite the opposite under a satirical examination.

Like I said; some of you believe that even saying the word bitch or nigger perpetuates the word and the connotation of denigrating the two groups. That's fine. I think, however, that by using it in unique ways -- such as the borrowed "nigga" to mean a black compatriot-- it cheapens the use of "nigger". A racist calling you a "nigger" is drastically less offense if you call your friends "niggas" regularly. It forces the bigot/racist/sexist to come up with new ways of insulting you, rather than riling you with the same barbs repeatedly. Similarly, if you say "bitch please" regularly to your friends, an agitator attempting to rile you by saying "bitch please" has a nominal effect. These are poor examples, and I realize it's an unpopular belief (Oprah strongly disagrees with me), but I think this differentiation is the dividing line between people who support satire as a valid literary technique for political change, and those who don't. (And consequently, those who support Chappelle, Eminem, and other provacteurs as artists AND bastions of social change.)

Not to derail, or anything..
"I'm typing on a computer of science, which is being sent by science wires to a little science server where you can access it. I'm not typing on a computer of philosophy or religion or whatever other thing you think can be used to understand the universe because they're a poor substitute in the role of understanding the universe which exists independent from ourselves." - Willravel

Last edited by Jinn; 02-16-2006 at 08:11 AM..
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