Originally posted by: aceventura3
The young adults going to college could get a part-time job.
Or, they even work a full-time job and go to school part-time. When I went to school I worked on average 30 hours per week during the school year, and had plenty of time for a full class load, study, student government, friends, family, and fun.
College expenses do not come as a surprise. If the parents or grandparents save $50/month when a child is born, the child would have in the range of $15k to $20k for expenses. Some people smoke $50 per week in cigaretts, or spend that much per month on the WWF pay per view.
No amount of money will fix a system when people within that system fail to take any personal resposibility.
I absolutely agree that individuals should take the initiative and start taking responsibility for one's self. The average college in the rochester area costs 14k a semester. A full time job for a college student wouldn't even come close to making up for the sudden loss of the 2 + 2 program. I was touching more on the sudden loss of these programs and people within our education system that is crippling our community. But definitly agreed that people and their parents should take more responsibilty in advance to avoid these situations. Just not everyone has the means to control what their parents did when they were growing up. They do however still have a right for a fair opportunity to further themselves. Regardless of their economic situation.