I've been thinking about happiness lately as well. I will try and pick up a copy of that book!
I think my bout of philosophical thinking was spurred by me being in a transition stage in life. I am moving from a schoolkid (16 years of school kinda puts you in a certain track) to a college graduate and full blown adult with bills and a job and and and....ya...lots of crap.
I find myself questioning a lot of things...things that I thought life was a bout, or at least made me happy....seem to not matter too much anymore. Now that i dont have the distraction of school, I see a little more clearly.
I think you need to do some serious soul searching. I think the reason for your non-contentness is very deep and that ultimately you are going to need to discover it yourself.
Just remember, there are other people in your canoe, you are not traveling alone.
Take Care
there is no absolute, only the moment.