Originally Posted by xepherys
First, I'd like to correct an adjective used above. I don't believe naivity has anything to do with it. I fear it is blatant ignorance. Yes, many viewers probbaly cannot tell fact from fiction, believing each to be the other in some instances. (snip)
In fact, I fight for people in this country to have those rights, how can I try to say that people in other countries having the same right is bad?
That's pretty much what I was getting at... Naiveté isn't quite the right word, you are right. What I am trying to get at is that these films do not spring from a vacuum. They are a fairly accurate reflection of the culture from which and for which they are created.
Propaganda aside films rarely challenge preconcieved notions (those that do are either called art films or win Academy awards

). In other words, I don't know that flilms create ignorance so much as reinforce it.
The rape of Nanjing is a good example by they way. You should check out Japanese director, Seijun Suzuki's film Nikutai no mon (Gate of Flesh) and Shunpu den (Story of a Prostitute). Both reflect the soul searching that was going on post war Japan despite their government's official denial of Nanjing.