Thread: Turbo question
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Old 02-15-2006, 07:19 AM   #7 (permalink)
Riding the Ocean Spray
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Location: S.E. PA in U Sofa
Originally Posted by TARZAN
IF not, a boost controller would work wonders.-Will
One thing I would HIGHLY caution is that turning up the boost on any motor will require additional fuel and if the ECU can't compensate adequately the motor will run lean and blow up or burn up a piston or valves etc. So do a little research on your particular car to make sure the stock ECU can compensate for turning up the boost a couple psi. If it can, that would get you at least 20 hp more, probably even more. Freeing up the intake and exhaust will in itself allow higher boost. I know my old '95 Saab 9000 w/low pressure turbo didn't have a boost gauge but I never moded it; and for that matter my present '95 Supra turbo didn't either (I put a boost gauge on this one since I run way over factory boost) but a boost gauge is nice/important to have especially if you decide to turn it up. Also, unless you want to get "more involved" than just a slight boost increase, a boost controller isn't what I would recommend for most people; a bleeder tee in the line to the wastegate actuator costs less than $1 and will give you a fixed amount of extra boost but you need a boost gauge to see how much or follow the proven rules for your Saab with that kind of bleeder tee mod.
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