Well... I decided I wanted to make computers (I didnt know if I wanted to make software, IC's or system level engineering)... so I went into electrical engineering.. I got about 2 years into it and decided I hated what went into making computers... but I decided to stick it out cause I already had so many credits and no other clue what to do...
then about 4 years into it (it took me 5.5 years for a bachelors.. yeah yeah.. shut up) I found that I really love high voltage, high power stuff... and hear I am making a tremendous amount of money doing a job I enjoy very much.. so sometimes sticking to a path will lead you were you want to be... even if you don't know where that is... but I may just be a statistical outlayer...
Whoever appeals to the law against his fellow man is either a fool or a coward.
Whoever cannot take care of himself without that law is both.
For a wounded man shall say to his assailant, "If I live I will kill you, if I die you are forgiven".
Such is the Rule of Honor.