Originally Posted by Locobot
So what's keeping white women from being "exoticized" (whatever that means) by men of other races? I think this well-known feminist is displaying her bigotry towards white males and little else.
Sorry, but this is completely racism whether you want to acknowledge it or not. This is the basic justification for every manifestation of racism anywhere in society. Somehow in your mind if someone uses this idea to justify seperate drinking fountains based on skin color it's racist, but when it's used to disallow boys and girls of different colors from kissing then it's not racist?
I've had a fair amount of experience with this topic myself. In high school I dated an east indian girl and it basically never went anywhere because she was so deathly afraid of her parents finding out. After we stopped seeing eachother we were both on the cross country team and my parents would talk to hers if they saw them at a race. She asked me to tell my parents not to talk to hers, to which I naturally said "no." She quit the team soon after.
totally have to disagree with you. It is absolutely not racism. There no apartheid happening. It is traditionalism. comfort level. Note that I am not this way, the old folks are.