Originally Posted by tecoyah
Isn't this though....in a nutshell, what we see in virtually all religion, as it plays out in the mind? it almost seems inherent in the nature of any religion that each individual understands it differently, and defines the scripture/Holy text, as it makes sense to them.
Let me give you an example. When I was a wee lad my mother, who was not a religious person but came from a family that was and felt guilty about it, tried to teach me the concept of the infallibility of the Pope. By Catholic tradition, it goes God->Pope->You. She used an awful example, but what she said was that if the Pope said the sky was green, it would therefore be green. Obviously I disagreed with that, wouldn't give in, and she gave up after some argument. Now even though the Pope is a man, the concept is really that its not for you to decide what is right or wrong but God. If God says it, it doesn't matter what you think or feel, it just is.
Now I'm sure this term will piss some people off, but its the best for the fit here. There is an arrogance in the liberal mind set of 'I know best' and its that arrogance which lets one 'change' their religion to fit their desires. Sure the Pope, the Cardinal, and the Priest all say abortion is murder but I know best, I know what God really wants, Its the way I feel that matters! The concept of being humble before god and gods law does not compute.
Now in my case I couldn't buy the conservative view, and I couldn't see what I see as the liberal view as making any sense either, so I dumped the baby out with the bathwater and gave up on religion all together.