Originally Posted by Ustwo
American Dreamz (upcoming) - Never heard of it.
True Lies - Prior to 9-11 would never get made now
The Siege - Never saw it
Black Hawk Down - Hard to fabricate a REAL EVENT (at least so soon after it happened)
Flight 93 (upcoming) - Ditto
WTC (upcoming) - Ditto
Sleep Cell (hit series on Showtime) - Never saw it but the promo's had them as white/black americans, which isn't quite the same.
Syriana - Never saw it bound to make the US look bad 
Lord of War - Never saw it
Team America (granted, it knocks everyone) - No point in adding this one
Gunner Palace - Never saw it
Spies Like Us - Russians vrs American
How about NCIS? There was a whole long multi season plot involving an islamic terrorist targeting the main characters... he even killed one of them. Or how about Lost and Syid, he is forced by the US government to spy on a islamic terror cell. How about 24.... I could go on and on...