First of all, Poppinjay, that story is friggin' HILARIOUS. Politics has become better comedy than most comedy these days.
pan- did Bush promise to increase SPENDING on education, or make education better? I'm not a Bush defender or supporter by any means, but the two are not nessecarily the same.
I do agree, however, that taking away from the net budget doesn't make a whole lot of sense. But then, education is also a primary function of the state government as well. Barring Michigan and her douchebagness Jennifer Granholm, all states have had positive economic growth since 9/11 at this point. Why don't the put some of that growth into education. I mean, some states have, but many have, obviously, not. Again, it's great to bitch at the fed and wonder why they don't come to the rescue, but people locally could do more about it, too. Vote in the slight millage increase. Yes a few people without kids may have to pay a couple extra dollars a year to buy some kids books. It makes the COMMUNITY better. *shrug*