Originally Posted by billege
I just love this whole discussion.
If we needed more evidence that our nation's political feelings are blinding common sense, this should do the trick. Even otherwise smart people are just blantently ignoring reality in favor of thier political views. That's just cool! I mean, in a tragic way, but hilarious none-the-less.
Check it out:
Being shot with a shotgun in the face is not "getting shot with a shotgun in the face" if you call it "being sprayed with little bits of led."
That's so kick-ass. I mean, the last time I fired bird shot at a target, I called it "shooting." At the same time, I followed what I'd been taught to avoid "shooting" someone else. If only the PD range instructors had known that since it was "birdshot" not "bullets," and it would "spray" someone, maybe we could have taken off the vests, goggles, and earplugs. Heck, it's not even dangerous! Then again, the target we "sprayed" at close range looked "devestated" but that's becuase no one told it that the "spray" of "little bits of lead" were not such a big deal.
Better yet, we're seeng semantic discussion on what getting shot with a shotgun really means. Apparently, if you're shot with a shotgun in the face, with the right ammo, it's just cool! You go to the ER, you get some band-aids, and you're fine!
Let me repeat that: semantic discussion on what is, or is not, getting shot in the face by a shotgun at close range. Not downrange, not "waaaay over there" but at close range.
Best yet, and I just love this part, it's not the guy who pulled the trigger's fault. That is the icing on the cake. If you're behind a shooter, and they spin 180 and fire, and somehow fail to notice the person standing there, it's your bad for not saying "hey, I"m behind you, don't shoot me." That is...classic.
Let's pretend this was Joe Blowme who shot his pal Elmo on a Kentucky hunting trip and it made the news because "Joe Blowme" was a funny name. I promise you, the LAST thing we'd be doing is stuggling to re-define "shooting in teh face at close range with a shotgun" as somthing that's no big deal.
Bottom line:
It sounds like it was an accident. A stupid one. A damn stupid one. The victim should live.
Because 50% of the population thinks this administration can do no harm, AND 50% of the population thinks this administration can do no right, it's what it is now.
A big joke for anyone that can step back and say "what a fucked up situation."

AHEM post #33
Originally Posted by pan6467
I see so for those who do not think this is a big deal and harmless..... when you are 78 can I shoot you, like that and see how harmless and funny you think it is?
I feel sorry for Cheney and the man. I'm sure it was an accident but that is a horrendous thing to happen. Thank God, it wasn't more serious, and the man seems to be doing well.
The sad thing is the Right blow it off as nothing and the Left seem to find humor in it..... Rodney was the only one who didn't play partisanship.
It does say something very sad about our country when a 78 yr. old man gets shot in the face and people joke about it (partisanly), then you have those "Oh well it's nothing" and it continues.
There is a point when partisanship has to give way and you have to show some fucking compassion and say, "I truly hope the 78 yr. old man is ok."
I'm sorry when you are 78 there ain't nothing minor. Colds can lead to pneumonia real fast, cuts can get infected real fast, and so on because no matter how "healthy a 78 yr old" you are, you're body's recovery is still very slow.
Right now, I am disgusted for my party, and for my talking heads. I find this humor callous, evil and just irresponsible.
And for the Right who want to act like it was nothing and play psuedo machomen... let me blast you in your face like that see how YOU like it and how harmless it truly is.
Go figure me sticking up for Cheney and ripping my party......
I'm not trying to be Holier than thou, I just don't like the hypocrasy I am seeing. I became a Democrat because the party is supposed to be compassionate and caring FOR ALL EQUALLY and here they are lowering themselves to GOP style humor, tactics and a true lack of compassion.
For the love of God it's a 78 yr old man, I find nothing humorous in any of it. Let the GOP make the jokes, show people the Democratic party doesn't need to belittle oursleves and lower our selves to such high school humor. Fucking stand up for what is right and show compassion and caring about the man.