initial thoughts on this resume:
I'm not keen on the skills style resumes be listed seperately, I'd much rather see the skills as they pertain to the job.
Maybe I've read entirely too many resumes, or read too many job hunting books, but much of the phrases in your resume read like a resume guide... it uses too many of the buzz words that people think that HR people want to see... for instance -- everyone says Implemented new ideas into workflow in order to increase productivity if i were interviewing you - that'd be the first thing i'd ask about...
The ISO stuff is excellent.. .I'd put that under what job you did that under...
Under skills you've got some excellent skills listed... but I'm not seeing where they'd apply under the actual job
ie you've got supervisory experience - how many people did you supervise, and in what capacity
customer service is an excellent skill to have- emphasize that under the job you did it under.
I'd agree that bullets would be a better format - it's easier to read...
PC Proficiency seems to be redundent -- you've already got that info listed elsewhere...
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