Originally Posted by stevie667
Re: your CV.
Have you tried filling it out to two pages, instead of squeezing it all onto one page? All those snazy things you've got on the bullet points would be easier to read as a list. Then some personal likes/hobbies/interests e.t.c on the bottom to flesh you out as a person a little? All IMHBO though.
I'm going to contradict that. A two page resume is perfectly acceptable, but it's generally preferable to keep it to one page if possible - following the KISS philosophy works here as anywhere. A single page resume has a bit more 'snap', for lack of a better term.
What I would recommend instead, is to drop some of the less necessary points in order to allow you to give the remaining ones a more readable format. Leave off the girl scout experience - unless it's directly relevant to the job you're applying for, it's not likely to have a big impact on your chances. And under the pc proficiency, leave out that your degree is computer-related. That's made apparent under the Education heading. Maybe leave out the hospital experience in the next heading and if necessary drop one other point, although between those two and the girl scouts you should have no trouble.
Reformat the whole thing, so that each bullet point gets it's own line and you have a blank line between the last point of one heading and the next one. That'll neaten things up and make it a bit easier to read.
Mind you, I'm not a professional, so take my advice as you will.