Answering with my personal opinion, I'd say if I were giving a speech and you interrupted me I would consider that your freedom of speech.
It would be then in my court how I would handle the interruption.
If I handled it well, we could have a dialog - which is, IMO, better than a speech any day.
If you simply drowned out my ability to speak I would consider the point made in my favor and relinquish the podium.
The point that would have been made is that the person who interrupted rudely is an idiot. I'd be satisfied with that and go make a speech somewhere else if I still felt the need to make speeches.
I'm not really interested in "rights" or laws about this. I see freedom of speech as something I posses as a power. My ability to wield that power is secured by no one but myself.
I know you probably couldn't run a country this way. Running a country is not my job.
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