Originally Posted by roachboy
i dont think so, guy: most prochoice arguments stop at the question of legality and safety. to say that a woman should be able to make choices about her body and what happens to it entails that the option of abortion should be legal, safe, etc.: but it says nothing about whether, in any individual case, any particular woman is therefore compelled to choose one way or another as to the procedure. anti-choice forces intrude on the content of choice. that should be the salient issue that splits most libertarian conservatives away from anti-choice positions--which is perhaps why instead you see the conflict fought out on diversionary terms, such as theological debates about the start of life, etc.--- the reality of the matter is that it is the right that, in this case, wants to dictate rather than allow folks to choose, and it wants to state to do the dictating.
it is funny.
this is why i generally do not enter into debate on abortion--i think the anti-choice position so empty as to be almost funny, and i have been told that it is not polite to laugh at people.
It's really that simple huh? Please. You know the debate isn't about choice, it's about whether or not abortion is murder. The only reason the right wants to limit "choice" is because it's not a choice if you view abortion as killing a human being. Pro-choice sounds just dandy when you take out the question of when life begins.
If someone views an act as murder, you think it's an "empty view" that this person would want to limit or ban this act all together? At least acknowledge the other sides view as legitimate even if you disagree.
As simple as you try to make the abortion issue sound, it still hinges on the question of when life begins.