In all my experience, Ragnaros is a pure DPS/gear fight. It's simple - if you have the gear and the DPS, his health goes down fast and you win. If you don't, then you lose. We only have a few purples distributed throughout our damage classes, and thus our overall DPS is relatively low. That's wonderful that someone has somehow managed to kill him with 29 moderately geared people... everyone must really know how to get the absolute most out of their class... however, my guild is still pretty fuckin' good (read up.. razorgore down.. 2nd attempt) and we have DPS problems on Rag. We're a laid back guild and I don't require much individually of my members, so what? Is anyone gonna say we suck? I didn't think so.
Anyways, we'll be attempting Vael until we get the strategy down. At which point, I will do what I did for Rag... CALL IN THE BUFFS.