Originally Posted by kutulu
In many ways the original intent of the powers of the fed seem irrelevant in today's world. Education wasn't as important back then and we didn't have the ability to completely wreck the environment either. Nowdays, everyone needs at least a high school level of education and without regulatory enforcement, our rivers could turn to shit REALLY fast. Healthcare is just as important. Money doesn't give you more of a right to live than someone else.
There is no way in hell poor people could afford to send their kids to school. By denying them that right, the kids are forced into a life of poverty and never have a chance.
Overall, there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed. People need to know that their food is safe, that their car meets some safety standard, and that their water is safe to drink. These issues are too important to leave to private industries.
In regards to the products we buy, absolutely, they are interstate commerce and therefore should meet standards set by the federal government. You add the tax it costs to inspect and enforce those standards to the product, not to the people in the form of income taxes. On the other hand, then you have an added cost to the poor.
It just seems no matter what you think or the solution you come up with somewhere down the line rights are lost, people's money is screwed with and government is involved where it shouldn't be.
There is no way in Hell, I'm going to trust the private companies to police themselves. And anyone who believes they can, I would have to believe that those people haven't read the headlines for the past 10-20 years and seen all the company scandals that we have had.