Originally Posted by Halx
I gotta do some major scheming to get past Vael. Our raid is still very undergeared. It seems like our healers are getting all the loot. We've had one CHT drop.. and that's it. We can get past any fight that has more to do with skill than gear, but the 3min buff on Vael means we may have to screw around with even more consumables. To give you an idea of how undergeared we are... Today we killed rag for the first time without using the Onyxia buff. It was week 3 all over again.. killing him after enduring a second round of sons.
Wait, you use the onyxia buff? Why? I understand that it will help with the DPS and such, but with the right combo of classes and the right timing/player placement, DPS on rag should never be an issue, he will NEVER aggro range classes, and rogues/ random warriors should never pull aggro off of the main tank. Fire resist on the other hand is rough sometimes...
Do you use the LBRS buff too? I can honestly say that Rag is actually an easy fight once you get it down, my Guild on Bleeding Hollow (alliance) actually did him with 29 people, and 3 priests and 2 druids (Pally healing ftw) and the night before we did onyxia with 23 people and no dwarf priests! It's really all all about placement and the right combo of players and DPS that knows what they are doing.
I have killed rag upwards of 20+ times now, and the last time I did over 100,000 damage during the entire fight (including sons) which is huge for a moderately geared mage without either uber trinkets. And I was only 5-6 on the damage list, behind 2 rogues, and 2 locks, and another dual trinketed mage!